

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Is the number 44 just a crazy eightball?

Is the number 44 just a crazy eightball?

    In this crazy reality we seem to run into things that we just simply can't explain. If we take a moment though to ask the right questions, we can at the very least come up with more questions. And if we understand that we live in a quantum universe, we should at least understand that anything is possible.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

44F latest reoccurrence


So the latest reoccurrence that has been occurring in my life has been the number 44 with the letter F. Once again the encrypted message if that is what is has been showing up a lot. There has also been a large number of occurrences of the name Jasmine being thrown at me from a multitude of sources. From TV shows, personal introductions to people named Jasmine, receipts telling me that the person who served the food was named Jasmine with the number 44. So at this point I just simply would like to hear from everybody on their thoughts about this reoccurrence and if they have been experiencing similar things.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Number 44 spikes

The number 44 ,144 showing up in high concentration.
Over the last few days the number 44 has been spiking. Please comment if anyone else has been seeing the same thing. Is it a precursor to an event?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fibonacci numbers, clue or just another breadcrumb

    Is the universe  represented by numbers or is the universe made up of numbers?  That  may seem like a strange question but when you're dealing with quantum physics and advanced mathematics it doesn't seem so strange at all. Seeing the number 44 as often as I do, if I had lived 100 or even 50 years ago I'm sure that I would be living my days out in a mental institution.  The universe presents clues here and there, and from time to time in unexpected ways.  I wasn't particularly looking for answers to the 44 question, just watching several documentaries on mathematics.  All the documentaries mentioned the name Fibonacci and that he was a noted mathematician from about 1175 A.D.  His main interest was the reoccurrence of  certain numbers in nature and how some numbers reoccurred more often than others.  Now none one of these documentaries talked about the number 44 and the number 44 did not appear anywhere in the videos. Only when I extrapolated further out the Fibonacci numbers did I see the number 144. So I don't know if this occurrence is just another 44  popping up or if the universe is trying to drop clues.  I will say this, the Fibonacci numbers and his other mathematical works such as the Golden spiral  seem to merit further investigation. So I know this probably raises more questions than answers but  if you don't ask questions, you never get answers.  One of my own questions that I intend to investigate further is, if the number 144 is a Fibonacci number, then how often does that number occur and where does it occur?
   Well, that's all I have for this go around. I look forward to your constructive comments and hearing some of your own questions.  In this insane world may you all find the answers you're looking for and may your days be filled with  blessings. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

If we are in a computer matrix does the number 44 mean anything?

What does it mean to see the number 44?

   In all actuality the number may not mean anything. But my research leads me to believe more and more that the occurrence of this number is similar to a glitch in the matrix, a déjà vu if you will. 
   In the old days people use to make quartz watches. The quartz crystal inside the watch was electrically stimulated and thus vibrated at a set frequency. This frequency made the watch extremely accurate for telling time.You see the latest scientific research indicates that the universe was created with sound or wave vibrations. This means that everything operates on a vibrational level. As everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies it is possible to extrapolate that people and their molecules vibrate at different set frequencies. So looking at your watch and seeing 1:44 P.M. or 2:44 A.M. may be nothing more than your internal clock. 
    For many years I've speculated that our reality is not what we think is. We've unfortunately been influenced by religions and governments and what they tell us is real or to be believed, without asking questions. And I come back to the same questions I had as a young man. Who are we, what are we and why are we here? These questions have never been answered to my satisfaction.
    Some of the latest quantum physics research indicates that we are nothing more than a hologram in some computer program. That in itself raised the question, how would I prove I am in a matrix program? Not one of your senses can be considered infallible so what you see, feel, taste, hear, or smell can't be trusted.Your eyes are one example,what you see is more like the lens of a camera. Light passes through the lens forming an upside down image in the back of your eye. Your brain then takes that information and turns the image right side up but it doesn't just correct the image. It reconstructs what it considers to be relevant or of importance and so you're only seeing a small portion of the image that comes through your eyes. The brain does this with all senses and it does so because the amount of information would be too much for the mind to handle if it took in everything. It would also slow down reaction time in the event of danger. The brain condenses the image of a lion running at you down to; lion, danger, where to escape. Your senses are all forms of input but not only can you not trust your senses you also have to deal with the fact that the brain reconstructs everything that is input. If you talk to a neuroscientist he will tell you that your eyes do not see, your brain does.
    So back to the question how do I prove I am in a computer matrix. First I need to come up with the right questions because questions in of themselves can sometimes answer the question.
   Like is the floor solid? A quantum physicist would tell you no, that it is made up of atoms and molecules none of which are solid. Atoms have electrons floating around a nucleus. The electrons blink in and out of existence as does the nucleus. And so the universe is basically constructed out of energy and what is a computer? It is a circuit board consisting of various components that control the flow of electrons and atoms moving in and out of existence or location.
    If I am in a computer matrix wouldn't that take an extremely large computer? The answer is actually no. The computer only needs to construct what is immediately within our five senses. It does not need to construct the entire universe just only what I can see and sense. We ourselves are on the verge of creating artificial worlds within computers in order to run scientific simulations.
    Wouldn't such a program require a vast amount of computer code? Once again the answer is no. If we look at nature we find that not only behavior is duplicated such as the ego but also the design itself is replicated. If you look at a fetus that is only a few weeks old you cannot tell the difference between a human fetus and the cat fetus they are identical, As a matter of fact all animals look identical  and the changes that take place to make them either human or cat take place in the last part of gestation. If we look at the cell structure of an apple tree and the cell structure of a rose we find they are very similar. All of this indicates that what we're looking at is the replication of a simple design throughout all of nature with only slight variances in the gene codes, cell structures or even crystalline structures.
    The next question would be if I am in a real or fixed world then nothing could be changed. An apple is an apple and a banana is a banana. But we know that scientists are working on splicing genes together and that statement is no longer true. Even some of our latest research indicates that thought itself has the ability to change the structure of a gene. If obesity runs in a family and someone in that family decides they are no longer going to be obese, research shows that that very thought has the ability to change the structure of the gene. As a matter of fact research indicates that the human gene actually only composes a very small percentage of the human body. The majority of the human body is actually composed of various bacterium's which live within us in a symbiotic relationship.
    If I exist within a computer matrix does that mean I can do anything and get away with anything? Obviously not, as with any program parameters are in place to prevent someone from abusing the ability to simply manifest things by sheer thought. It also means that a creator or architect has the ability to delete anything in the program that might cause the program to become unstable. That being said, we do seem to have the ability to create things and we do seem to have free will. This means that everything in this world is of our own creation.
What about time, isn't time a constant? The answer again is no, it has been scientifically proven that time is not a constant. For the most part time is only a perception, like a memory of a past event or a series of photos that the mind records as having taken place.
    Basically what I have done is created a list for and against being in a computer matrix. On one side I would have religion in which Adam and Eve had two sons and from that populated the world. Of course a farmer would tell you that you cannot have a herd of cows from just a single male and a single female without having inbreeding genetic problems down the road. On the other side I have that if we are in a computer matrix that is not a problem and creating the world in six days is not a problem either. Of course all of this may sounds like a lot of nonsense but I suggest you do your own research and create your own list of pro and con questions. I am not here to try to convince you that I am right. For all I know I am the only person in the room and everything else is but an illusion. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Eyes what do we see?

In the beginning life on earth took the form of sightless creatures. They moved about feeling their way around and using touch as a form of navigation. Later as life emerge from the deep oceans and from the dark places, the first eye was developed. It is a rudimentary eye that detects light and shadow. As time went by an eye was developed that distinguished shapes from the shadows and other reflective surfaces. 
One of the latest developments can be seen in dogs. Their eyes can distinguish shapes, shadows and other forms and can function in low light conditions such as moonlight but up until recently they were and some still are colorblind. I noticed this in the two dogs that I had. One of them could see a laser dot on the floor while the other could not see the dot. Up until recently humans were pretty much in the same boat and our species at the time lived in a world of black-and-white. Some of you may remember growing up and watching a black-and-white TV. This is how we use to see our world and seeing color is only a recent development in our eyesight. Scientists believe that over time our eyesight may develop other abilities such as seeing other spectrums of light. As it is right now we do not have the ability to see certain spectrums of ultraviolet light but who is to say how evolution will play out.
              The color filled world that we live in is an illusion made up by our mind and in reality color does not exist. If you look at a red apple and say that that’s a red apple, you are actuality mistaken. White light as we know it is actually composed of every color in the light spectrum. All the different colors of light strike the Apple in the form of white light. The surface of the Apple absorbs all the colors except red, which it reflects back to the eye. So in actuality the Apple has no color and is simply a reflective surface like all the other things in this world that appear to have color.
                 Is it possible that seeing the number 44 is simply another development in our ability to see? Is it possible that when we see the number 44 or other pairs of numbers that the eyes and the brain are actually developing the ability to see what was not seen before? 


Sunday, August 31, 2014

The act of observation?

    So I have a question. According to quantum physics or quantum mechanics the act of observation changes the results. If this is the case, then why does the number 44 continue to appear? Does it know that it is being  observed? Does it know and not care? Quantum effects can have huge effects in the real world. Is the number's appearance the result of a quantum event? If so can its appearance be predicted? The frequency in which  we see these numbers has been increasing, at which point does it reach a saturation level? A level that would be noticed by more than just the few that see it now. Would a number qualify as a quantum event? Could the numbers be traced back to it's original source? The Bible uses the number 144 and 44 several times, would this be a source or does it go back further? Why was the number 144 chosen to represent the quantity "Gross" ? 1 gross, being = 144 why? Why not 143 or 145? Does the number have anything to do with fractals or a pacific fractal? As the universe is based on fractals, is someone or something trying to tell us something? If the act of observation changes the out come of things, is this why when we try to manifest things wishes do not come true? If you travel down the rabbit hole can you ever find your way back? Or do the numbers just drive you crazy till you die?
    Live each day with gratitude, love each person as if it was your self, question everything as if you were a child.

Thank you for reading, please subscribe.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Is the number 44 a message in a bottle?

            We have all considered the possibility that the number 44 is a message, but how many have considered the possibility that it is a message that we have left for ourselves? That in our past we created a message and left it for our future selves to find. What if 44 or other reoccurrences are simply the bottle or mailbox flag and the message is a subconscious one? Now this may sound ridiculous but those of you who have studied quantum physics know that this is not impossible. So the next time you see reoccurring numbers ask yourself, what is it that is happening that I should pay more close attention to? Ask yourself, what is the message that you are supposed to receive? Then listen to that little voice inside you respond to your question. Indications are that the messages may be personal and not a general broadcast to whoever should see the numbers. That car that just pulled in front of you with a license plate 144 on it, is trying to catch your attention at that moment in time. Nobody else would take note of it and therefore the message must be just for you.
            Maybe I have traveled too far down the rabbit hole to know what is real and what isn't. But I have learned that much of this world is an illusion either created intentionally by others or unintentionally by ourselves. I have seen people refuse to get on airplanes because of their irrational illusion that something bad will happen. And I have seen religious people commit acts of atrocity because their religion has created the illusion that what they are doing is righteous. If the number 44 does nothing else it should awaken you to the possibility that there is more to this world than meets the eye and that anything is possible. And if anything is possible, then there is no reason why we cannot create the life we dream of or peace and prosperity for everyone on earth. 

            Please let me know if you make a connection with the numbers and what is occurring in your life at the moment you see the numbers. Was it a message to warn you about something or was it to let you know that you're on the right path or was it to let you know your in-laws are coming to town? Please share your experiences so that in the process we may all benefit from the message and can gain a greater understanding of the universe we live in.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A spiritual journey to Mount Shasta's vortexes

Mount Shasta vortexes

Mt. Shasta
   I and my wife recently traveled to Mount Shasta in our quest to find more answers to our spiritual questions and the meaning of 44. It is one of the more beautiful places on earth and is known for its vortexes and sacred sites. The beauty and serenity that you will find here is unique.
downtown Mount Shasta
It has more rock, crystal and spiritual stores within a three block radius than you will find anywhere else. Everything from singing crystal bowls to health food stores to 60s clothing can be found here. 
    As we were not familiar with the area, we hired a guide to show us the various places where we might find answers. Andrew from "Mountain Journeys" was our guide this time and was very helpful and open to exploring the questions we had. I consider him to have been one of our better guides and should I return will hire him again. I do not think that we could have found many of these places on our own and was glad to have hired a guide that saved us a lot of time and trouble.
My wife and guide Andrew at one of many waterfalls
Although we did not find the answer to the number 44 or 144, we did find answers to other personal questions. The trip also gave us a better idea of what direction that we want to go with our lives. I will return to Mt. Shasta if for no other reason than to enjoy the tranquility and beautiful scenery.
   It should be noted that on this trip we saw the number 44 more times than anywhere else.
It should also be noted that we had many unusual experiences such as this bird landing next to us and seemingly unafraid. It is a wonderful place just to visit and the unusual experiences we had, made it that much more special. We will return.

Monday, June 17, 2013

44 spike update

There was a spike of occurrences on 6-13-2013 don't know if it means anything but thought you should know.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Are people that see the numbers happier than everybody else?

After watching the documentary movie "Happy" I could not help but wonder if people who see these numbers or phenomenon are happier than everybody else? So to the right I have posted a new survey concerning this very question. I would also like to hear people's feedback and any ideas for additional questions or answers to the questions for the survey.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Seeing the number 44, phenomenon or evolution?

        Over the years I have studied many strange phenomenon. Like UFOs many of the things that occur in this world can be explained. But there's always that small percentage that continue to this day, as being unexplained. Through most of these occurrences there seems to be a common thread. The most frequent of these is that people for the most part, do not pay attention to what's going on around them. It would seem modern society has created a breed of drones that only see what governments and corporations want them to see. And people that point out these phenomenon are generally labeled as malcontents, mentally ill and considered disruptive to society. They do not fit into society’s little square box and as a consequence are shunned, treated as outcasts or worse. But if you look at the various phenomenon, a thread of commonality becomes quite apparent.
     For example, people who see UFOs  generally spend more time looking up. People who see ghosts pay more attention to their peripheral vision and pay more attention to their surroundings. With that said, you can see that a great deal depends on where our attention is focused. As a kid growing up we were told that we only use 10% of our brain and that the majority of our brain was not used. We now know that the majority of the brain is dedicated to vision. What is interesting is that only a small percentage of our brain is actually conscious of what the brain records and the eyes see. We can stand in a room full of people and see everyone in the room but only remember one or two people. I have seen people recall detailed information from crime scenes when put under hypnosis, that otherwise could not remember anything. As we see these numbers occur, it is quite possible that what we are witnessing is an evolution in our consciousness. It is possible our bodies and minds are simply trying to adapt to a technological society that is bombarded with information. The amount of information that our minds consume is thousand times more than our ancestors of only 50 years ago. In addition, the information that our grandparents were presented with was mostly honest and straightforward. In today's society we must deal with dishonest information, subliminal and psychological (such as that found in advertising) government propaganda and the mass dissemination of misinformation that is either intentional or unintentional distributed through the media and Internet. Is it possible that these numbers such as 44 are simply our subconscious trying to tell us what to trust and what not to trust? That our subconscious has not quite yet figured out how to digest the information that is being presented? As most of us seem to be introverts it is also possible that our subconscious is trying to compensate for a lack of interaction with other people.    As an experiment in observation try sitting in a shopping mall and simply people watch. Take note of what people observe and what they don't observe. I think you will be surprised how much we as a people, do not see each other, much less inanimate objects.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

survey results for the number 44

Seeing numbers latest results from the surveys.

·         80% of you have been hearing ringing in the ears, dizziness or feel disoriented like being drunk or ear infection. This would indicate that a possible outside influence such as radio waves or some other phenomenon is taking place.
·         The majority have not had prophetic dreams.
·         The majority does not live near a military base.
·         Almost 100 percent have not had any surgery or implants.
·         Almost all are healthy and do not suffer from an illness or trauma.
·         The majority of you are introverts and do not like being around people. Introverts tend to be more observant of what is going on around in their surroundings. It indicates that part of the reason we may be seeing the number is simply we are more observant.
·         The majority of you started seeing the number on your own. It was not mentioned to you and you were not made aware of the number by someone else.
·         Do you believe you have a psychic ability is split 50-50.
·         Do you believe a shift in the world is coming is 70% yes.
·         Have you seen an increase in the frequency of numbers 100% yes.
·         Have you ever seen a UFO of all 80% no.
·         Do you have an artistic background is 60% no 40% yes.
·         Is the number 44 the only numbers you see. 33% yes and 66% no
As you can see the survey is starting to yield some results. And it is my belief that if I ask the right questions we will get the right answers. Thus far the survey gives indications that it may be a psychological event . It also indicates that it may be a result of some outside influence . The dizziness or feeling disoriented may indicate exposure to some type of radio wave . Government experiments in mind control yielded similar side effects. The videogame Doom also produce similar effects when played for a period of time, as well as some subliminal commercials. Parasites and viruses are also known to cause similar effects but most people are indicating they are healthy.  If anyone has a suggestion on what type of questions I should ask please let me know. Please answer the new questions that have been posted. Thank you and have a great day.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

book recommendations

Someone asked what books and videos do I recommend, so here's the list. I do recommend that you watch or read in the order that they are presented.

  1. "What the Bleep Do We Know"  Personally I like the first version, but the three disc set does have some nice features and additional information.
  2. A lot of the information found in "The Secret" is scientifically supported in "What the Bleep Do We Know"
  3.   Actuality most of the books by Deepak Chopra are good but this one is my favorite.
  4. "The Celestine Prophecy" The DVD is pretty good and presents some interesting philosophy.
  5. "A New Earth" by Eckert Tolle Deals mainly with ego and pain body. Really didn't understand the book until I followed a video presentation on Oprah.
  6. "The Shift" by Wayne Dyer DVD I consider this movie to be one of the best ever. It has changed my life in many different ways. I watch the video on a regular basis. It seems every time I watch it, I learn something new. his new book "Wishes Fulfilled"is also an excellent book
I hope that this list is helpful for those looking for insight into the world we live in. I do give a word of caution concerning the information presented here. Do not go down the rabbit hole unless you really want to know the truth about the world you live in. For once you begin the journey down, there is no going back!